More Vegetation > More Habitat > More Biodiversity > More Birds
A number of bird species on the Fleurieu Peninsula are declining and have a conservation rating of rare, vulnerable or even endangered.
These include the Beautiful Firetail (1), Elegant Parrot (2), Diamond Firetail (3), Hooded Plover (4), Chestnut-rumped Heathwren (5), as well as (not illustrated) the Southern Emu-wren, Crested Shrike-tit, the Black-chinned & Tawny-crowned Honeyeaters, Peaceful Dove, the Flame & Hooded Robins and the Restless Flycatcher.
By restoring and protecting natural habitat we are giving back to the wildlife and providing opportunity for the return of these birds and many more.
Help Protect the Birds of the Fleurieu
With the habitat restoration projects, we are continuing to protect remnant scrubland and revegetate using local native plant species to create more natural habitat for wildlife, especially the birds.
All creatures are dependent on their environment and loss of habitat is the major cause of loss of species. Let’s resolve to do all we can to preserve our unique environment so we can continue to enjoy its biodiversity, not least, its fascinating birds.